Saturday, May 1, 2010

Can't promise that I'm back to blogging full time, but this was a heartening news story about a "Father" presiding over the marriage of his son. A man who left the priesthood to marry, requested permission to exercise his ministry after his wife died a few years ago and was presider at his son's wedding.

I've missed out on a lot but I'm kinda hibernating from all the news and all that is going on right now. I'm still teaching catechism, things my change next year, as there might not be a Saturday class, so who knows where that will leave me as I teach the Saturday class. My students make their First Communions tomorrow. I feel like they're not as prepared as last year's class but they know the important aspects of the faith and that should be good enough. My life has changed so much. A year ago, I didn't think I'd be where I am and who knows where I will be next year. It's all good but it's also overwhelming.

One good thing-- falling in love. It's amazing.

I will try to check in from time to time and I will try to post more often.

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