Saturday, April 11, 2009

Links and Only Links

It's officially Holy Saturday. I wasn't planning on posting on Good Friday.

I only have links tonight. Tomorrow thoughts about the Triduum.

Neat photo essay from Time Magazine with St. Joseph pictured in fine art. It's true we know very little about the man who married the Blessed Mother and raised her son, Our Lord, Jesus. Tradition fills in the details about his life.

Movies about Jesus? Here's a list of the top ten. I haven't seen as many movies about Jesus as I thought.

Lastly, also from Time Online, this Drive Thru Church photo essay. It even looks liturgical. Guh, can I get Communion to go? Give me a break. Are we that lazy we can't come into a Church for an hour to hear the Word proclaimed and share in the Eucharist (or whatever the ritual and routine is at other churches) ?

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