Thursday, May 7, 2009

Who actually said, "The Church is not a museum for saints but a hospital for sinners"?
It think it's a very apt quote and I've heard it many times before. Google has given me various answers and maybe it's one of those quotes we'll never know who really said. It's like St. Francis is attributed with saying, "Preach the Gospel, use words when necessary," but no one really knows if he said it or not.

I'm feeling a bit dry spiritually these days. I wonder if it started after Easter and then really peeked after the children made their First Communions? I've been working on an email to one of the priests at my parish for weeks... I haven't been able to articulate anything in it. I'm setting it aside once again.

It's going to be a long summer. I'll work on my Catechism plan for next fall, I plan to work on my applications for the teacher's program so I can become a certified teacher one day and actually teach for a living. I truly feel that is where I'm being lead. I just hope that I can find a job once I complete the credit hours and pass the state exam for certification.

But anyway, yesterday I attended the Archdiocesan Catechetical luncheon at a parish church in Albuquerque. It was quite lovely. The deacon in charge of Hispanic Ministry for the diocese gave the keynote address, which was inspiring. I took copious notes and may write up my reflections later, but used the quote I mentioned at the start of this post.

I enjoyed the luncheon. I felt very honored that I was invited to go, as I'm just a first year teacher and none of the other catechists attended. Our religious education director was there, one of the sisters who works with the Hispanic ministry and our Confirmation director also attended. My friend received an award as the Catechist of the year from our parish. There were many Catechists recognized. The awards were presented by the archbishop who also spoke to us. He joined us for lunch and posed for pictures.

It was actually a very inspiring day. I don't have delusions of grandeur that I'll win an award one day, but I do believe that one day I will be a capable and worthy catechist. I have some wonderful mentors and some wonderful opportunities at my parish to learn, grown and study. I'm actually working toward my certification with the diocese. I'd be foolish to pass off the opportunity I've been given.

Anyway, more thoughts later.

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