Sunday, May 4, 2008


I hate coming to an end of a book that I'm enjoying. It's silly to say but i get a little sad when I end a good book. Last night I finished "The Seven Storey Mountain" by Thomas Merton. I have lots to say about it and will later, but I was totally in love with this book. I know it's possible to fall in love with books.

Anyway, I logged onto my Google page and this was the quote in the tidbits module:

"Let there always be quiet, dark churches in which people can take refuge...Houses of God filled with his silent presence. There, even when they do not know how to pray, at least they can be still and breathe easily."
— Thomas Merton

The part about knowing how to pray really sums it up for me most times, but sitting in a quiet, dark church is one of the most calming, comforting things in the world. I have noticed in that kind of stillness and quiet, it is easy to breathe.

I thought the quote was rather timely since I just finished reading his autobiography and am anxious to delve into some of his other writings, but meanwhile, I have to find something else to read. I'm trying to stick with non-fiction, spiritual and books not in the genre that I write, which I haven't quite figured out, but contemporary literature/drama/light comedy/maybe angsty chick lit best sums it up.

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