Sunday, June 8, 2008

Gloria a Dios in El Cielo

Just a quick update. Mass was gorgeous. It was the last morning Mass at the chapel. The choir from the Cathedral Basilica is amazing. It was asked to perform at Carnegie Hall last fall. So, today the music was incredible. The children's choir sang part of the Magnificat in Latin. They sounded lovely.

So... a few pics.

Maybe a more fleshed out post later. It's strange not to be getting ready for 11:30 Mass at my parish. As I went this morning I met my Sunday obligation and will have to go again tonight for the 8th Mass. I think my soul will be ok by missing Mass at my regular parish. I took over today's readings for my mom earlier because she likes to read along, and I also gave her my envelope with my offering, so technically I'll be th ere in spirit. Besides, I think perhaps the priest at my church probably saw me at Mass in the mornings. He was there almost every day too.

I could really use a nap. Though, I think I'll clean the backyard and relax till the Return Procession this afternoon.

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