Thursday, January 1, 2009

Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God

Happy Solemnity of Mary, Everyone!

This was the prayer we prayed at our parish today at Mass and I thought I'd share on this first day of the new year.
Act of Dedication to Mary, Peacemaker of the Americas.
Blessed Mary, you who carried the
Source of all Peace beneath your heart
and nurtured our Lord Jesus Christ into

Convince our hearts of the call to unity
and peacemaking
in our world today.
Give us a passion for the unity and well
of those entrusted to our care.
Give us a world wide awareness
of the pain of people hurt by war
and a firm determination to work and
pray for lasting peace

Heal those wounded in the past year
by violence, terrorism and death,
by expulsion from their homelands,
by the ravages of natural disasters.
Bring them home to a sense of peace and
the New Year.
Let the ongoing wars of our times
find their solutions
and finally come to the peace you have

You who gave birth to the Savior of the
give birth to peace
in this time, in this hour, in our hearts,
our homes, our families, our city and our weary world.
We rededicate ourselves this new year
to be peacemakers
under your patronage,
Santa Maria De La Paz

Here's a nice post at the Western Confucian about Mary, the Mother of God.


franswazz said...

May Mary,mother of God bless you and your family abundantly during this new year and thank you for your beautiful blog.
I am copying this prayer, so absolutely profound and needed.

Maria said...

Thank you for stopping by. I hope you too, have a blessed and joyous New Year.
God Bless.